Articles | Piano Marvel
Christmas Songs Anyone Can Play on Piano
Christmas Songs Anyone Can Play on Piano
Christmas time is famous for its music. More music has been written for and about Christmas than any other holiday in the world. At Piano Marvel, we’ve been experimenting with this Christmas music thing for a while now. We realized something significant- people want easy Christmas music that they can learn quickly and play during the season. They also want to sound great while doing it. This year, we’ve made it a priority to add as many easy, fun Christmas songs to the software as possible that anyone can play on the piano, and we’re adding more every day. Even if you’ve never touched a piano before, you can learn Christmas songs extremely quickly using the learning paths designed for each piece by professional piano teachers. On average, those who learn a song with Piano Marvel learn 5 to 10 times faster than those who learn traditionally, so you can be sure of success.
Should Everyone Learn to Write Music?
Should Everyone Learn to Write Music?
The average person who learns to play the piano still lacks the skill to write music. After decades of teaching music, I have come to believe that learning music is very much like learning a language. The majority of citizens in the United States have learned to both read and write, and music teachers can have the same success with their students in teaching them to not only read music but also to write music. But where do you start?
What is Practice Mode?
What is Practice Mode?
Practice Mode splits up a song, piece, or exercise into bite-sized pieces called learning sections. Not only are they split up into phrases to be easier to learn, but they are also organized in a specific learning path that eases the process of putting those sections together and aids in quick and accurate memorization.
AIM Technique: Now In Piano Marvel!
AIM Technique: Now In Piano Marvel!
Piano Marvel is proud to announce AIM Technique for all UMTA teachers - FREE for all teachers and students!
How To Master My Scales
How To Master My Scales
So you say you want to master your piano scales, huh? Here's an article that will help you achieve that goal by using proven practice strategies from top pedagogues Aaron Garner and Dr. Josh Wright.
The Benefits of Becoming a Certified Piano Marvel Teacher
The Benefits of Becoming a Certified Piano Marvel Teacher
Our certification course is designed to help teachers become completely capable and comfortable with every aspect of the program. Without taking the course, teachers often never reach Piano Marvel's full potential. We also use the course to make sure that we have exceptional teachers to send our users to when they are looking for a teacher.
The Ultimate Sight Reading Test
The Ultimate Sight Reading Test
Sight-reading ability has always been measured subjectively. What is the accurate measure of an excellent sight-reader? There is a wide range of sight-reading ability between individuals. Some can pick up a complicated piece of music without seeing it before and play it with very few mistakes with excellent rhythm. In contrast, others can barely play the melody in the right hand and pick out cords in the left hand that sound somewhat complimentary. Many fall somewhere in the middle of these two examples. There has never been a standardized sight-reading test, a way to consistently rank a pianist’s ability to sight-read other than by the opinion of an accomplished and practiced ear of a music professor. The question then is raised about whether other music professors would agree with the ranking. Does it even matter if there is an actual scale to measure sight-reading ability? Is it even possible to come up with a standardized ranking system? The Answer to both questions is yes! The test is call the SASR!
Learn to Play Piano
Learn to Play Piano
“Please can I quit Piano Lessons!?” I was 13 years old; I knew if I persisted long enough, I would eventually come off conqueror! All it would take is a little more whining, a little more complaining, and I knew I would hit the right button with my mother. I had already pushed beyond the point of emotional distress. Just a little bit further. A few weeks later, my teacher had me perform in a recital. I played a very simplified version of Malaguena. I stood up at the end, and can you believe it, everyone was clapping! At that instant, I knew that I had what it takes to make it big with my piano career. I later told my mom, “I guess I want to become a concert pianist!”
How to Teach Piano Online
How to Teach Piano Online
If you’re a piano teacher, chances are you’ve recently undergone a transformation that you never expected to experience in your lifetime. For your entire career up to this point, you’ve done things much the same way your teacher taught you. But when the COVID-19 pandemic struck, suddenly your world was turned upside down and you had a decision to make- stop teaching for the foreseeable future or adapt to the “new normal” of online education.
The Best of Both Worlds: Easy Piano Songs That Make You Sound Like a Pro
The Best of Both Worlds: Easy Piano Songs That Make You Sound Like a Pro
There are many different reasons one might choose a particular piece to learn on the piano.  Many times, we find a song that we love to listen to and then seek to learn it so we can hear it whenever we like.  Other times, we might choose a piece based on a request from a friend or family member, or as a surprise for someone or a special event.  All are perfectly valid reasons, but one aspect not commonly considered is how to choose a piece that is easy to learn, yet sounds really impressive.  Everyone should have a few pieces like this in their repertoire to pull out when called upon to play!
Easy Piano Songs for Beginners
Easy Piano Songs for Beginners
Starting any new skill or hobby can be exciting and overwhelming at the same time. Starting to learn the piano, for instance, may be overwhelming if you do not know where to start, or discouraging if you start with the wrong music. You most likely just want to feel (and sound!) accomplished quickly.
Piano Marvel
Piano Marvel "Re-Level"
Here's a project that is going to be a game-changer for PM customers!
The Best Piano Learning App
The Best Piano Learning App
Michelle describes her personal struggles with learning to play the piano with traditional piano lessons and compares that to her experience with learning with the help of Piano Marvel. What a difference it made and has continued to make in her learning, even into adulthood!
How to Gain Speed With Your Scales
How to Gain Speed With Your Scales
Learn from the master, Mr. Aaron Garner, Scale Ninja! Read Aaron's recommendations about how to safely play the scales and work your way up to playing them slowly to Ninja fast!
Teaching Piano Online
Teaching Piano Online
Aaron Garner, CEO of Piano Marvel and Master Piano Teacher shares what makes his online piano lessons engaging and fun. Learn how to leverage technology to provide the best instruction for your students. Piano Marvel, with it's hundreds of unique features, is one of the tools he uses to make his piano lessons what they are!
Piano Online
Piano Online
During this time of uncertainty, it's a great time to start learning the piano online with Piano Marvel
Learn Your Favorite Piano Songs
Learn Your Favorite Piano Songs
Are you looking for fun, easy piano songs to play that sound hard? Do you want to play classical pieces at your level or your new favorite song from the latest Disney movie? You can find them all on the PIano Marvel app! You can learn to play them quickly in "Practice Mode". It's the most fun way to learn piano!
What Makes a Great Piano Learning App?
What Makes a Great Piano Learning App?
There are many piano teaching apps out there. This article discusses the main features you should look for. Piano Marvel has all of these features and more.
What Does It Mean To
What Does It Mean To "Learn Piano"?
Scales, Chords, Arpeggios, Theory, Sight-Reading... What does "learning the piano" really look like?
Creating Student Videos
Creating Student Videos
Learn why it is important to include video projects in today's piano studio.
Setting SMART Goals for Piano
Setting SMART Goals for Piano
Setting SMART goals is the best way to ensure that you are successful in achieving your goals. Read this article to learn more about what SMART goals are, and get some tips on how to stick with it!
Learn Easy Piano Songs in Piano Marvel
Learn Easy Piano Songs in Piano Marvel
Piano Marvel makes it simple to finding easy piano songs to learn. The best part is that even though the easier songs contain fewer notes the accompaniment is more complicated and fun. It helps the begining piano student, young or old, feel like they are playing someting with more substance and it is more fun!
Learn Piano Music Online
Learn Piano Music Online
Learning to play the piano online is quickly becoming popular and for a good reason. The convenience of having access to almost limitless music, coupled with Piano Marvel's powerful piano learning platform, makes learning to play piano online the obvious choice!
What Is My Piano Skill Level?
What Is My Piano Skill Level?
Beginner? Intermediate? Advanced? Have you ever wondered what skill level you were? Here's a nifty little guide that will help you figure that out.